Picture of Pini Mandel, Co-Founder & CEO

Pini Mandel, Co-Founder & CEO

As the co-founder and CEO of Quicklizard, I obsess about our customers’ success and about scaling our fast-growing business worldwide. I lead a rapidly growing team of employees and partners worldwide, and always looking for new business opportunities and talent. Prior to establishing Quicklizard, I was CEO of 3Base (acquired in 2012).
Market Insights
Pini Mandel, Co-Founder & CEO

A New Reality for Omnichannel Retailers

With the future of offline retail seriously in doubt, it’s time for omnichannel retailers to increase their online efforts, and change the way they do business

Pricing Optimization
Pini Mandel, Co-Founder & CEO

Testing the Price of Love

Retailers who forego dynamic pricing engines, and simply go with their gut, there’s one easy way to know if they were on target with their pricing

Pricing Optimization
Pini Mandel, Co-Founder & CEO

Are the Machines in Control of Dynamic Pricing?

As our customers get more comfortable with dynamic pricing, and start seeing increases in revenues and profits, they typically start to increase their trust in the system. User rules are used to define pricing strategy rather than to limit the AI component of the system

Pricing Optimization
Pini Mandel, Co-Founder & CEO

Turning Over Last Year’s Models

While consumers always want the latest and greatest, retailers find themselves in a bind, wanting to clear their inventory of previous year’s models while capitalizing on the excitement of the newest models.

Pricing Optimization
Pini Mandel, Co-Founder & CEO

Improving Profits in 2020 Through Price

Dynamic pricing, when done using a pricing engine like Quicklizards, relies on an 80%-20% method for price calculation. The 80% in this equation is the work handled by the AI algorithms and machine learning techniques.


Streamline Your RFP Process: Download the Ultimate Pricing Software Checklist Today!

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