Quicklizard is now ISO 27001 certified

It’s official! We are very proud to announce that Quicklizard has received its ISO 27001:2013 certification


What does this mean for our customers and partners?

We want to give our platform users all over the world the assurance that their data is securely handled and stored. Information security and privacy have always been among our top priorities both in our operations and in the design of our products. By obtaining the certificate, Quicklizard has proved its compliance with international security standards.

What is ISO 27001?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a global body that collects and manages various standards for different fields and disciplines. In today’s world, with so many industries now reliant upon the internet and digital networks, more and more emphasis are being placed on the technology portions of ISO standards.

In particular, the ISO 27001 standard identifies over 100 requirements for a comprehensive Information Security Management System (ISMS) and defines how organisations should manage and handle information in a secure manner, including having appropriate security controls. The standard is designed to function as a framework for the organisation’s ISMS. This includes all policies and processes relevant to how data is controlled and used. The standard considers all of the operations of a company including areas that many other information security standards overlook, such as Human Resource Security, communications and supplier relationships.

Life after the certification

By claiming the ISO 27001:2013 certification, Quicklizard is validating its ongoing commitment to security practices and risk management providing further reassuring our customers of the resilience and data protection we practice.

Earning the official ISO 27001 certificate is another milestone in our journey. We continue to work on maintaining the highest levels of security and privacy of data, the work never ends!


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