Category: Ebook

Anat Oransky Lev, VP Marketing

Omnichannel Inventory Allocation

Omnichannel Allocation Omnichannel allocation is the distribution of one inventory set across multiple channels with a limited sell through timeframe. The goal of omnichannel allocation is to maximize inventory yield across the different channels. view / download

Anat Oransky Lev, VP Marketing

Inter Product Relationships

Inter Product Relationships Cross elasticity of demand is the impact that a price increase or decrease on one product has on other products. Products can be substitutes, complements, or unrelated entirely.  Retailers can take advantage of these relationships to increase revenue, improve inventory planning, and manage pricing and promotions. view

Anat Oransky Lev, VP Marketing

Normalizing Demand Using Price

Normalizing Demand Using Price The ability to forecast demand accurately is a fundamental part of retailers’ success. Demand forecasting apportions product demand through time at the aggregate as well as SKU levels. view / download

Anat Oransky Lev, VP Marketing

Product Classification

Product Classification Product classification, also known as article segmentation, is at the core of a successful pricing strategy. While the categorization of products is important, the real success lies in embracing the method. It all starts with the customer. view / download

Anat Oransky Lev, VP Marketing

Price Elasticity & the Challenges in Retail

Price Elasticity & the Challenges in Retail Pricing Elasticity is at the core of pricing science. A goods price elasticity measures the change in quantity demanded for a given change in price view / download

Anat Oransky Lev, VP Marketing

Understanding Your AI

Understanding Your AI For retailers looking to introduce dynamic pricing, an AI-based pricing engine is invaluable. The system analyzes price changes and can be responsive in real-time to marketplace changes. view / download

Anat Oransky Lev, VP Marketing

Pricing This Holiday Season

For retailers, this is a time to ensure that your inventory is well stocked, your website is technologically sound, and your logistical issues are all ironed out.

Anat Oransky Lev, VP Marketing

Optimizing Pricing Through Digital Transformation​

Transitioning to a dynamic pricing model requires more than a software upgrade. The move is felt throughout the organization and requires C-level sponsorship to succeed. More than just a change in the way pricing is calculated, dynamic pricing requires significant IT involvement, and introduces a new culture shift within the

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